Our Park City conference attracts top emergency medical talent from all over the world. Because we understand what it’s like listening to the same handful of speakers for an entire conference, we shake things up and have a new lecturer every 30 minutes.
There’s never a dull moment when you learn from 50 influencers who seek to change the landscape of emergency care! Our speakers will share cutting-edge research on topics like cardiovascular care, biomarkers, ultrasound, COVID, human trafficking, stroke, and many more.
Phillip Levy, MD, MPH, FACEP, FAHA, FACC
EIM Board Member, Professor of Emergency Medicine & Physiology; Associate Vice President for Translational Science; Director, Mobile Health Unit Program - Wayne State University, Wayne Health
Robert Welch, MD, FACEP, MS
EIM Board Member; Professor, Dept. of Emergency Medicine - Wayne State University School of Medicine; Detroit Receiving Hospital
Deborah Diercks, MD, MSC, FACEP
EIM Board Member, Professor & Chair, Dept. of Emergency Medicine - UT-Southwestern Medical Center
Frank Peacock, MD, FACEP
EIM Board Member, Professor, Vice Chair for Research; Henry JN Taub Department of Emergency Medicine - Baylor College of Medicine
Brandon Allen, MD, FACEP
Associate Professor Dept. of Emergency Medicine, Administrative Fellowship Director, Clinical Decision Unit (CDU) Medical Director, UF Health Chest Pain Center Medical Director - University of Florida
Justin Bright, MD, CPXP
Assistant Medical Director; Patient Experience, Emergency Medicine - Henry Ford Hospital
Leonard Bunting, MD, FACEP, RDMS
Program Director Emergency Medicine Residency - Ascension Providence
Jennifer Carnell, MD
Associate Professor, Emergency Medicine; Director of Emergency Ultrasound & Ultrasound Education - Baylor College of Medicine
D. Mark Courtney, MD, MSC
Professor, Executive Vice Chair, Academic Affairs, Dept. of Emergency Medicine - UT-Southwestern Medical Center
Jason D’Amore, MD, FACEP
Vice Chair of Emergency Medicine - Jacobi Medical Center-North Central Bronx Hospital
Robert Dunne, MD, FACEP
Vice Chair, Dept. of Emergency Medicine - Wayne State University School of Medicine/St. John Hospital
Robert Ehrman, MD, MS, FACEP, FASE
Assistant Professor of Emergency Medicine; Director, Emergency Ultrasound Research - Wayne State University School of Medicine; Detroit Medical Center/ Sinai-Grace Hospital
Gabriel Fontaine, PharmD, MBA, BCPS, BCCCP, FNCS, FCCM
Clinical Pharmacy Manager, Critical Care, Emergency Medicine, TeleCritical Care; Advanced Clinical Pharmacist, Neuroscience Critical Care; Associate Professor, Neurosciences/Critical Care Medicine - Intermountain health, Intermountain Medical Center, Salt Lake City, UT
J. Christian Fox, MD, RD, FACEP, FAAEM, FAIUM
Professor & Chair; Asst. Dean, Student Affairs; Director of Instructional US - Dept. of Emergency Medicine, University of California, Irvine School of Medicine
Emily Gundert, MD
Associate Professor of Emergency Medicine & Anesthesia/Critical Care - University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center
Nicholas Harrison, MD, Mac
Assistant Professor of Emergency Medicine; Indiana Clinical & Translational Sciences Institute KL2 Scholar - Indiana University School of Medicine
Jeremiah Hinson, MD, PhD
Associate Professor & Associate Director of Research, Department of Emergency Medicine; Co-Director, Center for Data Science in Emergency Medicine; Associate Professor, Malone Center for Engineering in Healthcare - Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine
Steven Hollenberg, MD, FACC, FCCM, FAHA, FCCP
Chief of Cardiac Critical Care - Emory Heart & Vascular Institute
Bory Kea, MD, MCR, FACEP
Director of Clinical Trials; Assistant Professor, Dept. of Emergency Medicine - Oregon Health & Sciences University
Kenneth Kelley, MD, FACEP
Assistant Professor, Dept. of Emergency Medicine; Emergency Ultrasound Fellowship Director - University of California Davis
Caitlin Kibbey, MD, FACEP
Assistant Professor, University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center
Anthony Lagina, MD, FACEP
Assistant Professor, Dept. of Emergency Medicine - Detroit Receiving Hospital
David Lambert, MD, FACEP, FUHM
Associate Professor, Dept. of Emergency Medicine; Chief, Division of Hyperbaric & Undersea Medicine; Certified Diving Medical Physician; Medical Command Physician, PennStar Flight Program - Perelman School of Medicine, University of Pennsylvania
Chris Lewandowski, MD
Vice Chair, Dept. of Emergency Medicine/Clinical Professor of Emergency Medicine - Henry Ford Hospital/Wayne State University
Bruce Lo, MD, MBA, RDMS
Chief, Dept. of Emergency Medicine; Professor/Assistant Program Director - Sentara Hospitals Norfolk; Eastern Virginia Medical School
Joseph Miller, MD, MS
Clinical Associate Professor of Emergency Medicine - Henry Ford Health
James Neuenschwander, MD, FACEP
Research Director; Adjunct Associate Professor - Granville Health LLC; The Ohio State University
Robert O’Connor, MD, MPH
Professor & Chair of Emergency Medicine - University of Virginia School of Medicine
Peter Panagos, MD, FACEP, FAHA
Professor of Emergency Medicine; Neurology Executive Vice Chair - Washington University School of Medicine
Andrew Pirotte, MD
Associate Professor, Department of Emergency Medicine; Director, Delp Academic Society; Assistant Dean, Office of Student Affairs; ACE Simulation Core Faculty - University of Kansas Health System; University of Kansas Medical Center
David Robinson, MD, MS, MMM, FACEP
Professor & Vice-Chairman of Emergency Medicine; Chief of Emergency Services - University of Texas Medical School at Houston; Lyndon B. Johnson Hospital, Harris Health System
Nima Sarani, MD, AEMUS, FPD
Associate Professor & Assistant Ultrasound Director; Assistant Director of Clinical Operations for Sepsis Care, Dept. of EM; Assistant Director, Orr Academic Society - University of Kansas Health System; University of Kansas School of Medicine
Robert Sherwin, MD, FACEP, FAAEM
Professor of Emergency Medicine/Director of Clinical Research - Sinai Grace/Detroit Receiving Hospital/Wayne State University School of Medicine
Edward Sloan, MD, MPH, FACEP
Professor Emeritus, Dept. of Emergency Medicine; Medical Director, PA Studies; APP Staffing Consultant - University of Illinois at Chicago; Dominican University; Roseland Community Hospital
Taher Vohra, MD
Residency Program Director, Dept. of Emergency Medicine - Henry Ford Hospital
James Weber, DO, FACEP
Associate Professor, Emergency Medicine - University of Michigan; Hurley Medical Center
James Williams, MS, DO, FACEP
Senior Medical Director, ACHT, CVRM; Clinical Professor Emergency Medicine; Chair Emergency Medicine Foundation - AstraZeneca; Texas Tech University Medical School HSC; Meritus Medical Center
Andrea Wolff, MD, FACEP, FAAEM
Associate Program Director; Director of Physician Education; Director of Physician CME - Chandler Regional Medical Center/Trauma Center
David Bullard, MD, MEd, FACEP, FAWM
Associate Professor of Emergency Medicine, Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine - Cleveland MetroHealth Medical Center
Ryan Stanton, MD, FACEP
Medical Director; ACEP Board of Directors - Lexington Fire/EMS; AMR/NASCAR Safety Team
Jason Bishop, MD, FACEP
Associate Professor; Assistant Director of Clinical Trials, Dept of Emergency Medicine - The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center
Andrew Hogan, MD, FACEP, FAEMS
Medical Director; UTSW/Parkland BioTel EMS System; Assistant Professor of Emergency Medicine - UT-Southwestern Medical Center
Jeremy Brown, MD
Director of the Office of Emergency Care Research - National Institute of Neurological Disorders & Stroke at the National Institutes of Health
Martin Than, MBBS
Research Professor; Director of Emergency Medicine Research - Department of Emergency Medicine, Christchurch Hospital, Christchurch, New Zealand